Today is Groundhog Day: The Weirdest Weather Forecast in the USA

Today is Groundhog Day: The Weirdest Weather Forecast in the USA. Photo: pexels
Today is Groundhog Day: The Weirdest Weather Forecast in the USA. Photo: pexels

The forecast for how winter will be with Punxsutawney Phil will be announced sometime after sunrise on Friday at Gobbler’s Knob, the stage of the largest and most well-known celebration of Groundhog Day in the United States.

Every year on February 2nd, Americans living in the icy northern states eagerly await a strange ritual of the groundhog Phil in the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. If the friendly rodent emerges from the burrow where it was hibernating without seeing its own shadow, it foretells the beginning of spring weather.

Around 10,000 people have headed to Punxsutawney in recent years, where the festivities begin in the early evening and culminate in the mid-winter forecast.

According to NYPOST, a federal agency analyzed its history last year and placed its accuracy rate at about 40%.

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